
We teach communities
how to live sustainably.

We teach communities
how to live sustainably.

Urban Green Lab is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that exists to teach communities how to live sustainably in Nashville, TN and its surrounding counties. We envision a Nashville where everyone has access to opportunities for learning about sustainable living.

How we work

Training Educators

Women in a black t-shirt facilitates an activity with two people

The Classrooms Division includes the Sustainable Classrooms program.

Recently, the Classrooms Division trained educators from the Nashville Public Library and discussed how to incorporate sustainability into their children's and teen programming.

Educating Households

The Households Division includes the UGL Volunteers and Sustainable in the City.

The Households Division recently relaunched Sustainable in the City as a podcast with the Nashville Department of Waste Services. Listen to it wherever you get your podcasts.

Woman sitting at a table talking with three other people
Woman sitting at a table talking with three other people

The Households Division includes the UGL Volunteers and Sustainable in the City